
The 香港六合彩资料大全 French Bilingual Program at KHPS

Founded in 1999, the bilingual program at Killarney Heights Public School (KHPS) provides a modern, bilingual French-English education in a progressive public Australian Primary school.

This unique bilingual program is made possible by our close partnership with the School鈥檚 Executive Team.


Enrolments for the 香港六合彩资料大全 Bilingual Program 2025 are now open!                                                                              Enrolment

Don't miss out. Click the button for more information.

Kiara and Harry, our 2023 school student captains, present Killarney Heights Public School and the 香港六合彩资料大全 bilingual program.
This video was created for a partnership with Camberwell Public School, a bilingual school in Victoria.

Objectives of the program

鈼&苍产蝉辫;Providing a modern, quality French-English bilingual education in a local Australian public school.

鈼&苍产蝉辫;Maintaining a group of French-speaking children in the same school, allowing them to assert their cultural and linguistic identities and developing their self-confidence in being bilingual while being integrated with their Australian peer. 

鈼&苍产蝉辫;Giving non French-speaking children the opportunity to learn French as a new language within their public school.

鈼&苍产蝉辫;Exposing children to other languages and cultures while encouraging respect for each other鈥檚 cultures and multiculturalisma respect which forms the basis for today鈥檚 modern Australian society.

Two teaching streams

In close partnership with Killarney Heights Public School (KHPS), we offer two distinct bilingual programs:

鈼&苍产蝉辫; French for Anglophones: for students learning French as a new language, who do not have notions of French, who might already be multilingual.

鈼廎rench for Francophones: for students who are French native speakers, with at least one French-speaking parent at home, who are already understanding and speaking French at home.

All classes at KHPS contain a mix of students enrolled in the Francophone stream and the Anglophone stream, along with English First students (not enrolled in the 香港六合彩资料大全 bilingual program).

Whole school approach

With a whole-school approach to French learning, our students are committed to bilingualism year on year. Students benefit from a unique modern bilingual and multicultural education, and that鈥檚 exactly what drives the purpose and values of our Association.

香港六合彩资料大全 kicked off the 2024 school year at Killarney Heights Public School with a team of 15 Teachers of French and 582 students over 28 classes across the school.

There are currently 248 students in the Francophone stream and 334 students in the Anglophone stream of the bilingual program, representing 85% of the student population.

How does it work in class?

The French lessons are conducted with small groups of students, alternating between students in the Francophone stream or students in the Anglophone stream, in a special, separate learning zone located between two classrooms.

The bilingual program at Killarney Heights Public School consists of a few key elements.

Intensive French Before School 

In addition to the daily lessons taught in French, 香港六合彩资料大全 offers Intensive French classes in the morning before school:

Intensive French - Francophone stream:

鈼&苍产蝉辫;  Students enrolled in the Francophone stream attend compulsory intensive French classes before school to study French grammar, vocabulary and spelling.

鈼&苍产蝉辫; These 45-minute classes are taught twice weekly, on Monday and Thursday mornings from 8:00 - 8:45am.

Intensive French - Anglophone stream:

鈼&苍产蝉辫; Students in the Anglophone stream have the option to enrol in a weekly intensive French class before school to focus on French grammar, vocabulary and spelling.

鈼&苍产蝉辫; This 45-minute class takes place every Wednesday morning from 8:00 - 8:45am.

In the classroom

Working closely with the Department of Education teachers, our team-teaching approach has the unique advantage of providing an average 1:15 teacher to student ratio in most classes. The teacher-student ratio is commonly known as one of the strongest indicators of student engagement and success.  

We use the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) methodology, an approach where students learn a subject and a second language at the same time.

NSW Curriculum lessons are taught in French throughout the school week:

鈼 Reading groups
Art, Sport, ICT (computers), News (short oral presentation)
鈼 History, Geography or Science
鈼 LOTE (Language Other Than English): 香港六合彩资料大全 teachers work with the Francophone students, and a DoE (Department of Education) teacher works with the Anglophone students
鈼&苍产蝉辫; French Literacy: for Francophones only

School life in French

Outside of class time, students are encouraged to experience other aspects of school life in French. There are many fun, educational ways for children of all levels and ages to practice and improve their language skills:

鈼&苍产蝉辫; L鈥橢tude after-school homework club, led by a 香港六合彩资料大全 teacher of French

鈼&苍产蝉辫; DELF exams for students of both streams in
Year 6

鈼&苍产蝉辫; Competitions in French open to all students,  including students not enrolled in the bilingual program

鈼&苍产蝉辫; Bilingual signage throughout the school

鈼&苍产蝉辫; French section in the library: 1300 books and magazines (10% of the whole library)

鈼&苍产蝉辫; Francophonie Week: flag hunt, special canteen treats, games and more


Enrolments for the 香港六合彩资料大全 Bilingual Program 2025 are now open!                                                                                       Enrolment

Don't miss out. 

Welcome Pack

Welcome to the 香港六合彩资料大全 & KHPS community!

Questions? Find the answers in this essential resource for new families.


View as a video 

View as a PDF  

L'Etude / French Homework Club

香港六合彩资料大全 offers l'Etude Homework Club, an extra hour after school from 3:00 - 4:00pm, supervised by a Teacher of French from the 香港六合彩资料大全 team to assist students with their homework.

L'Etude is not tutoring nor a lesson. However, the teacher is available to answer questions and guide students through instructions.

L'Etude is only available to students enrolled in the bilingual program.

Enrol for L'Etude

Anglophone program students are encouraged to contact us to show their interest in joining L鈥橢tude! We would love to create a group for our students in the Anglophone stream.

Contact us

In 2012, the school received the Label Franc脡ducation seal from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in recognition of excellence in French/English bilingual education. This recognition was renewed successfully in 2018, and again in 2021. Killarney Heights Public School was the first school in Australia to receive this accreditation.

香港六合彩资料大全 is a founding member of the AAFEBS 鈥 the Australian Association of the French English Bilingual Schools. Both 香港六合彩资料大全 and KHPS are board members, and 香港六合彩资料大全 is the Treasurer of the AAFEBS. The AAFEBS organises annual professional teacher training within a network of 16 bilingual schools across Australia.